Thursday, April 28, 2011

I am giving below,the Generic Forecast for the week(25 Apr,'11 to 1 May,'11):
AQUARIUS:Decision-making is on the Cards,the need of the week that brings fears and uncertainties into focus.It is time to work upon problems that confront you rather than avoiding them.Things may not be the way they appear,so look deeper rather than accepting surface values.Answers to your questions lie within yourself-check your intution.In a relationship,you need to resolve certain issues.
Lucky Color - Green/Sky Blue ; Unlucky Color - White

How to Create Internal Links To Sections Within the Same Blogger PostPISCES:No matter what you do,events tend to be beyond your control this week.Definitely not high on 'Luck factor',misunderstandings and frustrations now build up.Tensions are likely as at work,you suffer through other's unprofessionalism or lack of honesty.The key to survival is in going with the flow and not giving up.
Lucky Color - Dark Blue/Red ; Unlucky Color - Green/Brown

ARIES:A new opportunity is likely to be offered to you that will be rewarding,but will involve risk.Do not worry however and trust your judgement,hoping for the best.On a lighter note,amusement and spontaneity are the flavor of the week,so it is great time to go out shopping,for a movie or even out of town with close ones.Those of you who are seeing someone,stick to living in the moment.
Lucky Color - Pink/Green ; Unlucky Color - White/Black

TAURUS:As unpleasant times go on,you need to pay attention to relationship,that may be faced with betrayal and mistrust.For those of you who have breaking up as an option,remember it is painful but necessary for there to be growth and regenration.After all,for an old door that closes,a new one opens!Not the best time for arranging a professional meeting or conference,pay attention to details of difficult situations,that way you can avoid them from occuring again.
Lucky Color - Green

GEMINI:An excellent week for students,it is nevertheless great for Gemini people of all ages wanting to learn something or getting themselves enrolled into that new course.High on creativity at the moment,poets and writers may benefit.If any major decisions have to be made,seek advise from elders,yet listen to that voice in your mind.For those men who are single,that girl you are falling for,might be just the perfect one!
Lucky Color - Dark Blue/White

CANCER:Challenges and competition are seen in your work-life,Cancerians.The planning that you have done may not be acceptable to others,but it is not the time to call it quits.Instead,gather courage,forge ahead and put in the best efforts.There is a strong spark for you to succeed.In terms of business,difficult negotiations are on The Cards.Should you make that superhuman effort and concentrate well,deals can be entered.Those of you in a relationship will experience the commitment bond strengthen.
Lucky Color - Brown/Green

LEO:This week,make good use of what you have at hand and get back to fulfiling the opportunities that you had left unfulfilled earlier.It is time to think about your future actions and make long-term plans.In a relationship,everything may look rosy on the outside,but a new dissatisfaction is creeping in.Appreciate the emotional investment that you and your partner have made so far;rediscover your romance.
Lucky Color - Light Green

VIRGO:If you can smell currency notes and coins,do not be surprised!Cash arrives in your life - it maybe venture capital for a project,a rewarding business,or a simple gift from a friend.Good fortune goes hand in hand with your mood of caring for others and their well-being.You focus on work,on the accomplishment of goals,and are able to reap the rewards of the efforts put in till now.Though in a relationship,you need to make efforts to control your partner subtly.
Lucky Color - Yellow/Orange

LIBRA:You achieve success at work,the credit should be given to your intelligent ideas and practice.At the moment,seen working with passion towards your goal,and getting victorious too,several events will take you by a storm.Of course,along with the Yin,also comes a dash of Yang!If required to make any decision,it is important for you to keep yourself emotionally balanced.In a relationship,the purpose is clear.Now focus on what you desire.
Lucky Color - Yellow/Red

SCORPIO:The week brings times of testing for you Scorpians,as conflict surrounds you and you try to calm the chaos.Energy is spent on trial and difficulties,your attention is required every now and then.Refusing to be a victim of the situation,standing for your point of view,but still respecting your oponent is the mantra.Remember,people are fighting because they cannot fully agree on the strategy of achieving a goal,and not to hurt each-other.In a relationship,need arises to re-discover intimacy and common bonds.
Lucky Color - Brown ; Unlucky Color - Yellow/Red

SAGITTARIUS:A financial setback paints the week.However,this lack of funds is of your own making,resulting from an irresponsible attitude towards money.Guard against this ill-management.At work,efforts do not pay fruit because of your unwise decisions or foolish actions.Should you encounter failure,learn from your mistakes and build a more solid-secure foundation the next time.For people working long hours sacrificing their personal lives,time to take a break and rejuvenate.
Lucky Color - Brown/Light Green ; Unlucky Color - Yellow/Orange

a headingCAPRICORN:Love is in the air and those who are commited will see their commitment getting deeper.The union of you and your partner is seen,and together you will experience moments of affection,passion,harmony.Issues between ex-lovers/friends will be resolved,restoring peace.For people who are artists - painters,writers,chefs,designers,it is the perfect time to spend on projects as you can synthesize your creativity with action and intution.
Lucky Color - Golden/Sky Blue

Feel free to give me your reviews/feedback and to ask me your questions.:-)
Wishing you all a spiritually charged week!